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Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Akola
Godbole plots dabki road, Akola. Ph. - 0724-2413508
Nur To KG 2
1st to 7th ( Marathi & Semi English )
1st to 10th (English Mediuam)
Computer Project
Project of Computer
Before Diwali

1st        Draw a computer and colour it write three things that you can do with a computer.

2nd       Colour the keyboard.  Fill different types of keys with different colours.
3rd        Cut Pictures from magazines and newspaper showing the uses of computer in various fields and              paste them in your scrapbook.
4th        Make a chart showing various types of computers and their names.
5th        Prepare a chart of all the versions of Windows, along with its year of launch.
6th        Collect information and make a project file.  (with at least 4-5 pages )
7th        Collect information about computer from each generation.  Make a chart comparing these                            computers.
8th        To find out the advantages & uses of e-mail & write the process of creating your mail account.
9th        Collect the information of E-commerce and make it handmade file.
10th      To find out the different achievements in other fields by usesing the computer.
Project of Computer
After Diwali
1st        Collect pictures of the different parts of a computer and paste them on cardboard.  Stick the parts              on to old socks to make puppet of computer parts.  Were each on your hands and tell the class              what the parts does.
2nd       Make two columns for input and output device of a computer on a chart paper, cut pictures of                     various from news – papers and magazines and paste them in their respective columns.
3rd        Prepare a colourful chart of various computer hardware parts.  Draw or paste the pictures.  Also              mention their name.
4th        Collect and paste picture of the varius storage devices on a sheet or chart paper.
5th        Collect pictures of at least five animated advertisements which are being made a sing multimedia              and paste them in your scrapbook.
6th        Visit the computer lab in your school and make a list of the various input and output devices                     available and write their uses.
7th        Collect information and make a project file (with at least 4-5 pages) having all details about                     pointing device available and write their uses.
8th        Collect information and make a project file (with at least 4-5 pages) having all details about                     storage device of computer.
9th        Visit any cyber café with your elder and search on the internet about Bill Gates and make it                     handmade file.
10th      Search from internet about any two high level language and create handmade file.


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